EventTexting takes your privacy very seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy for in-depth details.
Where is my data stored?
When you create an EventTexting account, we store your information on our secure database server. No one has access to your data (your personal information and your contacts). If you would like to share the data in your account with someone else, you may choose to provide them with your login information.
Who owns my data? You own your data. We will never contact the people on your lists, nor will we do anything else with your data without your consent.
Will you send advertisements via text messages to my contacts? No, we will never send messages (including advertising to your contacts).
Are my lists of contacts secure? Your contacts are kept in strict confidentiality. We do not share, rent, or sell the contacts belonging to our clients with any third parties. Data (including contacts) that you enter in your account belong to you, and you alone.
Why do you ask me for my phone number when I register? We require this information for security reasons. It is necessary for us to confirm that you are who you say you are and that the number you provide is in fact your own.