One very exciting opportunity you have with Event Texting is the ability to create an additional revenue stream for your event business. This is done by offering your clients the benefits of using SMS texting to plan their wedding or event. It’s exciting to be able to offer a new service that not only will bring in additional revenue but impress your clients with a planning and communication tool they will find invaluable.
Let’s look at a few à la carte services offered by wedding and event planners….
- Party planning services for celebrations like engagement parties, bridal showers, and anniversary parties.
- Welcome/Swag bag assembly and distribution
- RSVP Management
- Stationery design and assembly
- Hotel room blocks and accommodations
- Design, decor, and styling
- Photoshoot styling
- Officiating
And the list goes on….
Add our exciting text messaging services and you’ve got another offer that will add value for your clients and to your company.
Deciding what to charge
Take these things into consideration when determining your fee and the cost of the service:
Cost of Service includes a Wedding or Event Keyword and Credits
- Keywords – Each wedding or event will need its own Keyword. Keywords are $25 a month to rent.
- Credits-Credits are used to send text messages and that includes auto replies. Incoming messages are free. Credits are .06 cents per credit and are good for 1 year at the time of purchase. Credits within a plan are good from month to month and do not roll over. See our help article How many credits do I need?
Your fee is determined by the following factors
- Duration – Your fee should be different for an event you will spend 6 months text planning versus one you text plan for the month of the wedding.
- Size – The size of the wedding or event is key in deciding what to charge. Bigger always costs more in every aspect of planning so charge accordingly.
- Time – You should be compensated for your time and while SMS texting is easy and fun it does take time to do. We all know that each wedding or event requires a certain amount of time spent with the client based on their own personal needs. Some just require more attention and others do not, so take that into account. Also, you may reserve the right to charge more down the road if the client is requiring more than initially anticipated.
- Monthy Plan-Signing up requries you choose a monthly plan. Our plans are afforable, no contracts required and can be switched to our Rent for Events plan as needed to help during down time. See our pricing page.
Plan ahead as much as possible
- Frequency – It’s always a good idea to plan on not bombarding people with unwanted and useless text messages. Determine at the beginning stages of planning with your client what they most want to be communicated to their audience and how often. Maybe once a week or twice a month and then closer to the event people would expect more communication.
NOTE: Each person you send an SMS text (160 characters or less) costs 1 message credit. Sending a message with a picture, other media, or above 160 characters is an MMS message and costs 2 message credits to send. Therefore, if you send 1 SMS text message to 20 people, it will cost 20 credits.
Start your free trial today!
email [email protected] to schedule a free demo.
Happy Texting!