The importance of using SMS Texting going forward in 2021

If there ever was a time for event planners to use an SMS texting platform to communicate to the masses, it’s now.

Our world changed overnight and the hospitality industry is still suffering from the Covid 19 pandemic. One thing is for certain, having flexibility in the way that we communicate and conduct our business is key for our future. We must deliver a professional planning experience for our clients no matter what is happening in our world.

SMS texting is not new to any of us. You’ve probably have gotten an SMS text message recently from a retail store or restaurant promoting a discount or curbside pickup. While some businesses have realized the value of this technology and used it to their benefit, the Event Planning industry is just beginning.

The statistics are impressive as to why we should be using SMS texting for both marketing our business and planning events. . Let’s review a few convincing stats.

-92% of the US population owns a mobile device capable of receiving SMS messages
-98% of the 18-29 age bracket owns a mobile device capable of receiving an SMS message and among that age bracket, the text is the preferred channel for notifications from businesses.
-83% of millennials open SMS messages within 90 seconds of receiving them
-75% of millennials prefer SMS communications for deliveries, promotions, and surveys
-31% of consumers respond to SMS surveys, with an average response time of fewer than six minutes

And considering COVID 19 and how it will continually play out in the world, Event Planners and Event business owners need a tool like EventTexting. We need to keep our clients, guests, customers, and vendors informed on how we are implementing important precautions and protocols as we ease back to business.

EventTexting is affordable for everyone no matter the size of your company. You may even be able to create another revenue stream from it by adding it to your a la carte services.

See my blog post-Include SMS texting as an add-on service that will sell every time.

Sign up today for a free 2-week trial!

Happy Texting!